Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Water Pollution and You

Water pollution plays a HUGE role in the community because water plays such a key role in the fishing industry, as well as the tourist industry, and just the general concept of drinkable public water.

 My family isn't really well versed on the issue, personally,  and I think a lot of people aren't because it isn't advertised enough. I explained a little bit to my family about what I've researched, particularly about the green algae, and they were shocked. Green algae should not be ignored! 

Survey Says...

  1. How does this issue affect households and local residents?
  2. How does this issue affect area businesses?
  3. How does this issue affect our government at the local, state, and national levels?
  4. How does this issue affect the rest of the world?
  5. How does the issue affect resources, goods and services, and finances?
1) This issue affects households because polluted water means its unhealthy for consumption.
2) This issue affects businesses in terms of availability to seafood/fish, and tourism because if the water is polluted and mucky, people aren't going to want to visit those destinations affected.
3) Both the local, state, and national levels are affected by water pollution because water is a vital aspect in both the economy, but general well-being of Americans
4) Because water travels, whatever is in the water can travel as well. As this water travels and circulates, other bodies of water can be polluted, affecting those areas fish availability and clean water resources
5) Resources will become scarce if the water is too polluted, therefore there is a lack of fish for restaurants, industry, and finances will decline significantly as all water related businesses will face serious problems.

So get involved!
As a community, people can fix this issue by getting involved and working to raise awareness on water pollution.

By getting people involved, spreading information, and doing events to raise funds/awareness for what is needed in order to take a stand against water pollution, cleaner water will become a forefront of peoples minds in order to make a change. The best way to fix this problem is to raise awareness via propaganda and to have community and government support on funding projects to help protect water quality.

If the funds used to create water quality conservation projects fail, then the money will be wasted on a project that technology and money isn't capable of fixing.

The Hard Questions:
  1. Give three possible solutions to the economic issue you are investigating.
  2. Why would some people oppose the solutions you have chosen?
1) Three Solutions to Water Pollution:
-Implement more laws and regulations regarding water quality and taking care of it
-Keep public informed through propaganda
-Raise funds for proper water filter systems to help control pollution

2) People may be opposed to using funds for water pollution because they feel other economical concerns are more important then the regulation of clean waters.
  1. What positive or negative externalities does this issue present at each sector of the economy? Refer to your circular-flow diagram.
  2. What incentives do individuals, businesses, and government have to act on each possible solution?
  3. What are the externalities, both positive, and negative, that could result from each possible solution?
1) Water pollution contracted from industrial activities can be harmful to citizens, negatively affecting their health and overall well-being. A positive externality is the fact that water is a free resource. A negative externality is the limited quantity because of the pollutants in the water.
2) The government should figure out where there are funds that can go to purifying water, as well as businesses because the revenue gathered from these practices would benefit both parties. For the individuals, having clean water is beneficial to their health, and allows them to enjoy water for all of its functions, recreational or not.

3) It would be a positive externality would be the government and society working together to achieve a common goal to help water pollution. A negative externality would be the lack of help and participation, believing that the water is too polluted and not worth the money or time to fix the problem at hand.

We must write our politicians, and join together to end water pollution and create a happier environment for all, complete with fresh water sources. 
learn more and take part by visiting:

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